Welcome to my Neumont office. Head on Helda had a little bit of an accident when she came into see me.

This is my red bookcase that I picked out for my office. Students know that I keep licorce on the middle shelf. Their not afraid to interupt my meetings to come in and get some.

No Halloween here, but I thought I'd show you my desk area. I picked out the picture to pick up on the red book case. The edge of my desk has a little zen garden that the students like to play with.

I love this spider. I seriously want to put it in my house as a decoration. Even when it's not Halloween. I think he's cute.

Here's my zen garden in it's Halloween state.

My coworkers Alvin and Butterfly Vampira. Otherwise known as Vee & Corrine. They run the student life program & do an amazing job at it. I don't think I've ever met two people that work as hard as they do. The took the students ice skating tonight.
Jake's working a new job at a company called UCN. Halloween is a huge deal for them. Each department gets a budget & gets to decorate their area. Everyone is required to dress up. Jake's teams theme was the 70's. The had a disco ball & everyone had on huge wigs with afro's & long hair. Jake had the only authentic hair in the bunch.
I dressed to match his team's theme.

The outfit is a donation from Debbie's mom. By the way, the pants go clear past my belly button & half way up my rib cage.

Happy Halloween!