On Tuesday I went into the dentist for emergency work on a rootcanal I'd had completed over 10 years ago. It took them 3 hours to remove a post from my root that was infected. They sent me home with painkillers & antibiotics. Over the next 3 days, my face began to transform into chipmunk face. The infection & swelling spread into the roof of my mouth, my eye, my nasal cavity, my temple, & is now working it's way into my eyebrow. The whole left side of my face was hot with pain & felt like I had burning shards of glass floating in my cheek bone. I ended up at a specialist office to have my tooth drained & the root canal cleaned out. The pain was so intense that my legs were violently shaking & the dentist would have to stop every few minutes cuz I was sobbing so hard. Drama, drama, drama.

Here is a picture of my normal face.

Here is a picture of my infected face. My left eye eventually got so swollen, I could hardly see out of it.
My attempt at smiling. The muscles in the left side of my face were infected so they pretty much stopped working. I couldn't smile & I could hardly open my jaw.

Jake & his cousin Devan played games while I was down. They set up the table in the living room so that they could be with me & keep me company while I was sick.