Jake & I got up Halloween morning at 4am & got ready for my very first 1/2 marathon. He was really sweet & drove me up past Sundance to the start of the race at Aspen Grove. The race started at at 9am & had over 700 participants. At least 1/2 were in costume. I went as Slammin Sue to represent the best of roller derbie.
You heard me!
It's important to hydrate a lot before a race. The suggestion is a gallon of water a couple of hours before the race. As you can see, the bathrooms were busy all morning.
There were over 700 participants.
Runaway bride
I was 1 mile in when my bladder starting screaming at me to find a bathroom. I ran past men who were standing on the side of the road urinating. I couldn't believe how close they were to the other runners. I could see their pee streams & the steam coming off of it. Not fair! I was desperate enough I thought about squatting on the side of the road but I would have been completely exposed. It hurt so bad I wanted to walk but I knew that my only choice was to run as fast as I could. It was 5 miles before I hit the first restroom stop. Ah! Sweet relief!!

I ran in my skateboarding pads to complete my roller derbie look. I love the Flash costume. The runner was actually super fast & averaged a 7 min mile the entire time.

I can't beleive she ran in this. Incredible.
I came at 2 hours & 30 min. Over all I was 650th out of 727. Hee. Next year my goal will be to come 649th. The fastest runner ran an average of a 5.3 minute mile.
I wasn't tired at all when it was over.
One of my favorite costumes. I tried to get a picture of her backside as it was all blue leatard & a gray thong going up her behind. Takes a brave woman to run in that.
My poor feet have suffered the most out of this adventure. I have had blisters the size of quarters, blood blisters, bruised toe nails, & cauleses on the end of my toes that are thick are peeling off. This picture doesn't do it justice, but I had to show my hard work.
My pinky is my only injury from the race. The first 5 miles was steep technical running with an elevation loss of 2,000 ft. My really messed my toe up from all the down hill running. The entire end of my pinky is a blood blister & dad said my toe nail is going to fall off. That should be pretty.