Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. - Steve Jobs

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pond for Rent

Our pond has been adopted by two mallards looking for a place to nest. It's so much fun to watch them.

Ducks swimming in the pond fun. Duck poop, not fun.

Blow this picture up to find the sleeping ducks. They like to sleep on the rocks. I found them tonight both asleep in the water & nuzzled together.

O.k. Seriously they're really cute. The female eats all day long while the male guards her. Mysha doesn't bother them & they don't mind her, but if I step outside the male will sit up & start flapping his wings at me. I wonder what they will think of the lawn mower.

This video is for mom. She looks pretty happy, don't you think.

Guitar Hero Metallica Release Party

Rock on baby! Guitar Hero Metallica is the perfect game to test out not having any apartment neighbors. The music was cranked, the voices were loud, the crowd was into it, & not a single nock from a neighbor. I'm in heaven!

Metallica Rules!

Annie & Desi's baby's were introduced to the Metallica fan club.

Please enjoy this moment that I have captured on film. All of the boys lost in the jungle beat.

Blond to Brown

Well. I figured my life wasn't working out for me as a blond. I figured I would try & trick karma by going brown.

This picture is kind of funny, but the red in my hair really makes my eyes pop. I really like it, but a lot of people have been funny about it. One student of mine from the Bronx told me, "Oh Becky. What did you do! Who talked you into that! You look so much better as a blond." (must be said in a Bronx accent.) Cracked me up.


I've had an infection in my tooth for about 3 months now that just won't go away. Remember the chipmonk face? So I had a tooth surgery done. The cut my gum open & lifted it up like a truck flap. Drilled through my tooth bone on the side removing a large piece of my bone, the infection, & the surrounding tissue. Cut off my root tip, filled it full of filling, & then stitched me back up. And yes, I was awake during all of this. The bone in my jaw will take about 18 months to grow back. It feels wierd. I can totally feel the missing bone.

Friday, March 20, 2009

House Warming Party

We decided to have a house warming party a few days after we moved in. Mom brought out some awesome pork left over from a Scout banquet & we partied hard.
Jon had a head butting contest with the light. The light one.
Jenny showing the light. It's fun because you can see the dead flies in it as you sit down to eat.

What a nut.

This is our bedroom. After dinner we found Jon....


Debbie & Desi, all taking turns on the massage chair.

Even Gelica took it for a spin. We're thinking about making it coin opperated or at least putting out a tip jar.

The power went out in the entire neighborhood towards the end of the party. We ended up in our front room dancing to candle light while Jenny played the piano & sang. The video is of Jon & Desi dancing. It's hard to see, but it's cute.

You can't tell, but this picture was taken in the pitch black. I told them to act scared of the dark & this is what I got. Nobody could see what the other person was doing...or so they say.

The Dip

Mom brought Mysha out to visit her new home for a day. She was so excited when she went outside to visit the back yard. She ran over to the pond & drank out of it. Ran through the garden & ran back to the pond & FELL IN FACE FIRST! She totally had a look of suprise on her face. Poor little thing suddenly found herself in the middle of the pond treading water with fish running from her kicking legs. She finally got herself out, completely covered in algie & looking totally pleased with herself.