Our pond has been adopted by two mallards looking for a place to nest. It's so much fun to watch them.
Ducks swimming in the pond fun. Duck poop, not fun.

Blow this picture up to find the sleeping ducks. They like to sleep on the rocks. I found them tonight both asleep in the water & nuzzled together.
O.k. Seriously they're really cute. The female eats all day long while the male guards her. Mysha doesn't bother them & they don't mind her, but if I step outside the male will sit up & start flapping his wings at me. I wonder what they will think of the lawn mower.Blow this picture up to find the sleeping ducks. They like to sleep on the rocks. I found them tonight both asleep in the water & nuzzled together.
This video is for mom. She looks pretty happy, don't you think.