Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. - Steve Jobs

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Battle of the Bulge

In most countries, a crisis concerns someone dying, a natural disaster, war, ect. But no, here in America, many of us wake up everyday to a natural disaster in our own homes. With all due respect towards real crisis, I will now go on to talk about my own personal natural disaster/war with my pants.

Lately, my pants have been trying to let me know that they are unhappy with my food choices. They complain that I give them no respect as I stuff down Doritos, Reese’s Pieces, & my latish fetish, chocolate mint ice cream. They have begun to wage war on me by splitting not once in the crotch, but twice. I am blatantly ignoring their complaints by shutting them up with sewn in patches. I will not listen to you I say. I have not put on any extra weight and I refuse to acknowledge your complaints. They hit the final straw yesterday when I spent 8 hours outside gardening with them. I went inside to find they had cut my stomach to let me know that they were suffocating from the fat that was drooling over the edge of my pants. I have decided to teach them a lesson today by ignoring them and refusing to wear them. Ha! That will show them.

I started going through my closet to find another pair of pants. I tossed them left & right as they denied me the right to be worn. "If you refuse to wear one of us, you refuse to wear all of us," they cried. They are clearly rebelling against me by refusing to be zipped, refusing to be buttoned, & worst of all sucking up against by behind to give me pancake butt. I came to the end of my pants and sadly realized........there were no more pants left to try on. Slowly, I turned to survey the damage. The carnage was awful. Pants senselessly thrown across the bed, flung over the TV, lying lifelessly in piles on the floor. My poor dog Mysha, was pinned down on the floor by a pair thrown in her direction. My heart dropped at the scene.

In war, one side must eventually be conquered. I fear that I have lost this battle. I can't go walking around the world without pants. It just can't be done.

And then it came. It came in an overwhelming storm. I was at fault. I was to blame for this war. As I sat crying in my closet looking around at the senseless destruction, I cried out to my pants in passion, "I have been so blind! How could I have done this to you! So very very blind!" I promised them with courage and conviction that they would live again. "You will live again," I cried. "You will live again to walk, to run, to climb, to kneel, to play, to live. To truly live! This I promise you! You shall live again."

My pants having a tantrum.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Viva piñata

Jake & I have been spending a lot of time in the yard. For those of you who have played Viva Pinata, that's what it feels like. Taking empty space, creating something with it, & attracting species after species. Only when my species dies, I don't get candy. :-(

I just put this in because I think my boy is hot.

It's been hard to work on my yard with my tooth infection. My weeds were about 2 feet high by the time I was able to get to them. This spot that I've cleared out around the pond took me about 30 hours to weed, edge, arrange the flagstones to my liking, & do some soil prep as the dirt was about as hard as stone.

Jake & I had some fun putting in new pond plants. I can't wait to put in more. Instead of pictures of kids, you get pictures of plants. Ha!

The tall grass is Water Iris & will bloom yellow flowers. The floating plants on the right are Water Hyacinth.


Blood Root Grass

Red Leaf Plantain

My favorite is the Blue Mase....maze?...that you plant between the rocks. It will start to trail down the rocks as it grows.

We were happy to find that Iris grew and it looks like a Day Lily is growing as well. I'm excited to see what colors I get. I think the Iris is going to be purple.

This is a Water Hyacinth close up. The float losely on the water & the fish like to feed on its roots. If you blow this picture up you will see the new pinata/species we have attracted.

Everybody, welcome Earl. I was spraying the pump clean when this 2 foot long snake started wildly crawling out of the water. I was screaming "Snake!! Snake!!" I'm pretty sure he was screaming "Where! Where!" I ran away & we lost him. Later I came back to find him wrapped around the pump with his head gently resting on the top of the Water Hyacinth. I fell in love with him & named him Earl.

Here's a funny little video of Earl. Unfortunately, his life was short lived. The pump God has already taken 4 fish of ours. In his greed, he took Earl as well. Sad.

Another pinata/species we have attracted. I'm not going to name this one. He's awfully cute, but he needs to go away. Any suggestions? I'm running into them quite a bit.

Mysha loves being in the back yard while I'm gardening. I think it reminds her of spending time with Mom working in the yard. It's been so fun to have her again. I've totally fallen in love with her all over again.

Sometimes she likes to sit on top of the pond to survey what we are doing. (Anybody feel like pulling weeds?)

Mysha has joined us in our gardening. She's quite involved with it. Here's garden spot #1.

Garden spot #2

Garden spot #3

Garden spot #4

Garden Spot #5 - My favorite

You can see she's been hard at work. We deal with these dirty paws on a daily basis.

I have also been hard at work as well spending 3-4 hours a day trying to get control of this mess. It's hard work man!

However, after a hard day of work, we all get together & and snuggle in our exhaustion. Which provides for some mighty cute pictures with my mighty cute family.