Team: Revenge of the Mullets - Van 1

Team Captain: Jozelle

Official Photographer: Joe Dirt

Professional Runner & pharmacist: Juicy Jim

Driver: Foxy Roxy
(Originated from me wanting a horchata and asking the waitress for a hoochie cha cha. )

Mullet looking for a date: Betty Lou

Mullet looking for a date: Betty Lou
And they're off. Nordic Track sponsered the event. The had a team run the entire race on treadmill adjusting for hills. You can see the giant screen in the background showing the trail.
Kelly Collet hydrating before his first run. As his wife says, "Water does a mullet good."
Kelly did his first run 4 miles up a steep hill running in his combat boots from Iraq. Dude is crazy. I also saw him dancing on top of a rock flashing his nipples to everyone and singing. Ha ha! Love Kelly!
There were over 12,000 runners on the road this year and over 2,000 vans. It's like a giant van festival.
Blow this one up. It's my fav.
I got a little tramp stamp to complete my look.

Knocking out my first run. 3.4 miles, flat, & at 1pm. Hot!

Mullets busted making out in the out house.
Stretchy STRETCH.
After our first 30 miles some of us slept

and some of us got crafty.

I needed an additional item to complete my Hoochie Cha Cha costume.

Tada! Makes mama proud to know that I have such crafty skills.

and some of us got crafty.

I needed an additional item to complete my Hoochie Cha Cha costume.

Tada! Makes mama proud to know that I have such crafty skills.

Getting ready for my night time run. 7 miles down hill at 1am. Dancing to stay warm while I wait for Foxy Roxy to run it in.

Here she comes. She slaps the bracelet on my wrist and I'm off. Can you hear all the chearing? Go Hoochie! Come on Cha Cha!

3rd and final run. 6 miles, slightly up hill, 3pm. Hot!!! As you can see, I'm struggling with my outfit. I didn't quit get the fit right. Better luck next time.