We arrived at Soldiers Hollow, home of Utah's Toughest 10k, at 8am. We were greeted by bitter cold air which nearly brought us to our knees for fear of cold wet mud.

It was a difficult task that lay before us. One that required a serious mind and a body focused on strength, speed, and endurance. We were required to sign a death & dismemberment form upon entry. The folks at the Dirty Dash were all business. We were given a map to guide us.
We saw that others had also noted the seriousness of this task and had arrived in their Sunday best as well.

The first wave began at 9am. As the runners took off the announcer stated, "Folks. If you see that someone has fallen in the mud and needs your help. Please. Push'em back in the mud and keep running!"
The challenge had begun. The first obstacle, a mile up hill in the mud. Some of us ran slopping through the mud, others walked.

Some stopped to make mud angels.

As we ran up hill, we were charged with the challenge of running straight into a snow blower spraying water at us. I now know what it feels like to be in a hurricane.
Next came the troll sized hay bales.
Followed by the razors where some belly crawled and others squated through. I preferred the crawl on your knees method which wasn't the brightest idea as it tore up my knees.

The fourth obstacle was the wall. Which apparently required a black tutu to get over.

Even the men thought so.

The fourth obstacle was the wall. Which apparently required a black tutu to get over.

Even the men thought so.

The walls were surrounded in mud. At one point a large mammel came through & did a front flip into the mud landing on it's back. It then slided into a bunch of us and we all crashed like dominos. The mud covered mammel leaped up, scurried over the wall and was off before we could tell what it was. We were pretty dirty at this point, so they felt the need to cleanse us.

After which came the mystery obstacle. The Mud Swamp. Which I am positive was not entirely on the level. It smelt an awfully a lot like the moose wallow that Julie and I famously lost her shoe in as kids.

After which came the mystery obstacle. The Mud Swamp. Which I am positive was not entirely on the level. It smelt an awfully a lot like the moose wallow that Julie and I famously lost her shoe in as kids.

At this point we were all exhausted. We had been tested and we were barely hanging on. We still had the most difficult challenge ahead. A climb up a giant hill followed by ...........the Slip n Slide. 

What a horrible thing to make us do. It was no fun at all.
At last, the final stage of our journey arrived. The mud pit. I bear witness that I saw 5 men in nothing but red speedos take on this challenge by synchronized belly flopping into the pit of mud. Brave soles.
It was a race to the finish.
Along the way we spotted some interesting creatures.
And...........well ,nobody knows what this is.
After the event we all got naked in the FREEZING cold water to clean up.