Jake's company went all out this year and sponsered a Harry Potter Picnic.

Upon arrival we gave our train tickets to the ticket takers & were pointed in the direction of Gringotts bank to get some galleons.

Our galleons purchased us lots of fun activities including dinner and a spending spree down Diagon Alley.

Getting sorted into our prospective houses. Jake was sorted into Slytherin.

Gryffindor. Woot!




Little meet & greet with Dumbledore
We were given a Marauder's Map to guide us around the various activities.

The map led us to Moaning Mertle's Water Park where kids could play in blow up swimming pools and bouncy houses, Diagon Alley for shopping, the Quidditch field, the Great Hall, Hagrids Hut. You could even go practice defense against the dark arts in a video game hut in Hogmeade Village.

Of course we picked our wands at Ollivanders Wand Shop.
Which we then followed by a stop at Honey Duke's for some jelly beans. Jake unfortunately ate a rotton egg flavored jelly bean. I lucked out and got peach.
A picture of all of our fun swag. Jake even got a Ravenclaw t-shirt out of it. It's so nice to finally work for a company that knows how to treat their employees. They spent buko bucks on this event.