Keith and Cherie had us over for a fun night of ginger bread house making. I kept calling it ginger houses on accident but after a while seemed fitting since Cherie and I are married to a gingers.

My finished product. Please note the dead animal hanging above the door, the broken down fence, the caved in roof and the dead animal in the pen. I was going for cute farm house and everything was falling apart so I went for recession farm house instead.

Jake's ginger house was made for eating, not living in. He had it polished off in 3 days.

Cherie made the cute house in front of Keith and Keith made the decked out sucker in front with the G on it. He definitely won the award for most creative house. Fun night for sure! (Thanks for letting me steal the pics off your blog Cherie!)

I'm not sure who enjoyed Christmas morning the most but Seth was sure the cutest.

I couldn't stop laughing at his hat combined with his pants pulled up half way and his underwear hanging out.

Christmas morning the big boys found nerf guns in their stockings with a note on them that said "Game on!" Mayhem immediatly insued. Dad had a revolver with extra darts. We spent part of Christmas having nerf gun competitions and shooting dad's flying helicoptors out of the air.

I got this lovely shot of mom trying to plug in the lamp or pick something up. I don't know what she was doing but I had to take advantage of the moment.

Mom got made at me for taking the photo so when Jon bent over she demanded that I take a picture of his behind and post it on the blog as well. Just for you mom.

In their stockings, the girls found face masks and nail polish. So we had a beauty night. Mom's mask was chocolate because she's a chocolate lover. I wish all of you could have heard her talk in her pikinini voice with the mask on. "I's embarassed. You's men go away."

After 32 years and a chocolate face mask, mom and I discovered that we have the same ears. Something I now share in common in Jude. Sorry son.

I have on a kiwi mask and Desi has on a pomegranate mask.

Here's me trying to smile my hardest in my mask.

Now the peeling of the mask.

And the finished product. 3 lovely ladies.
So the question remains, will I end up will helmet hair to hide my ears when I'm older or will I just let them fly.

I painted moms toe nails a pretty pink. Desi got the cherry red and I had a summer orange.
I also want all of you to know that we played a dice game and DAD TOTALLY CHEATED. Doesn't sound like dad at all right.