Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. - Steve Jobs

Friday, July 2, 2010


Here's a random slew of pictures of Gidget. I love her little squished face.

Nap time.

Mysha snuggles Gidget. Gidget snuggles her fishing pole. Perfect way to sleep.

Seriously. Common. I dare you to say that's not cute.

Mmmmm......what is this?

I love how Seth doesn't even care she's checking out his head.

I guess this isn't Gidget, but it was too cute not to post.

So one day I was finishing up a bath & letting the tub drain. I heard a giant splash, a cat MEOW!, and then saw a soaking wet cat streak across the kitchen. Ha! She's fallen in twice now. The second time I was in the tub & she took my book in with her. Just made her more curious about water.

I made sugar cookies one night for Christmas. When I woke up the next morning the towel was on the floor and cookies looked like fossils of footprints.

I wonder who could do such a thing. Surely the paw prints will help us determine the trespassor.


Just a regular bed right.

Some crumply sheets.

But if you sit on the crumple, it squeaks and puts claws in your behind. I learned that one the hard way.

Nose bites are kind of like butterfly kisses in Gidgets world. It's her way of expressing affection.

Her favorite spot.


So easily entertained.

Bet you guys can't wait to eat off our dishes.

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