Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. - Steve Jobs

Saturday, October 4, 2008


On Friday, Jake and I drove up to the North Shore and suited up for a skydiving jump. I have a video of the jump as well, but we are having a hard time converting it into a format that will play on the web. I'll let you know as soon as we get it up.
This is my tandem jump instructor Matt. He was a crack up. You'll see in the video.

This 30 second instruction is about you learn before you jump. They do a lot of the instruction in the air while you're flying up. It's kind of scary because you can't really hear them & you're just hoping that it doesn't really matter.

We took a truck drive out to the airplane. We flew up with two other girls going tandem and two camera men. Everyone made it out of the plane except for one of the girls.

Jake's tandem instructor is on the right. His name is Walley.

The plane we flew up on was so tiny. We flew up to 14,000 feet which is about as high as you can go for skydiving. We past another plane at about 10,000 feet droping off some skydivers. they looked like bags free falling out of the plane.

The scariest part for me was when Jake flew out of the plane. I wanted to yell, "Take care of him. I want him back in one piece." We only had one camera guy, so the rest of the pictures are of me. We didn't realize that he would only be able to get one of us.

This is the part of my life that I call "Dangeling out of a plane."

This picture just cracks me up. I'm supposed to have my back arched & my feet kicking my instructors butt. It seems my form is lacking a little bit.

I had no idea he was doing this to me.

The camera guy, Ash, came over & grabbed my hand & we spun in a circle. You can see that I'm pulling a funny face in this picture. It's because my teeth were killing me and I was trying to warm them up. The air was so cold, I felt like I had put my front teeth in a bowl of icecream.

One of the coolest parts was when the camera guy fell below us through a cloud as we pulled the shoot. My instructor let me pull the shoot & even taught me to steer a little bit. The camera lens got really fogy because of the clouds, but you can still get an idea of the view that we saw.

As we fell my instructor told me "Welcome to my office." How would that be.

Here's Jake coming in for a perfect landing.

Here's Becky coming in for a

You really have to blow these up to appreciate them.

I look a little drunk here, but I swear I'm sober. One thing I didn't know about is the motion sickness that you can get after the chute as been pulled. I got so naucious that I actually dry heaved in the air three time. My poor instructor was yelling "Aim left, aim left." Embaressing. Other then that part, I can't wait to go again. The scariest part is throwing your money down to go. After that it's just nerves & excitement.

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